Building great relationships leads to an amazing life!

We Fix, Build and Strengthen Marriage and Relationships

your marriage and you

I'm Agnes C. Nweke, LPC. Certified Marriage & Family Counselor

And the passionate founder of this transformative platform. My mission is crystal clear: to empower couples and families to thrive amidst life’s challenges and nurture unbreakable bonds.

With a wealth of experience and a heart brimming with compassion, I stand by your side on your path to healthier, happier relationships. My journey has been one of profound learning, and I am honored to share my insights and expertise with you.


Your Marriage and You is not just a counseling service; it’s a haven where understanding and love take center stage. Whether you’re facing communication hurdles, trust issues, or simply seeking to deepen your connection, I offer a safe and nurturing space for healing and growth.

I can’t wait to meet you

– Agnes

Are you facing Relationship Problems?


Couples Problems

Are communication breakdowns, conflicts, or other relationship challenges causing you distress?


Relationship Problems

Struggling with issues in your relationship? Whether it’s difficulties in connecting or other challenges.


Commitment Issues

Struggling with commitment issues in your relationship? Whether it’s uncertainty about the future or other challenges.


Family Issues

Dealing with family issues that are causing stress or tension? Whether it’s conflicts within your family or other challenges.

How I can help you be happier

your marriage and you

Pre/Post marital

Experience the transformative journey of Pre/Post Marital Counseling, where you’ll gain valuable insights and strengthen your relationship’s foundation. Our expert counselors are here to support you in building a lasting and harmonious partnership.

your marriage and you


Explore our selection of Best-Selling Books, carefully chosen to inspire, inform, and entertain. Dive into these captivating titles to expand your knowledge, ignite your imagination, and enrich your reading experience.

your marriage and you

& Workshop

Discover our engaging Seminars & Workshops designed to empower and educate. Join us to enhance your skills, gain valuable insights, and connect with like-minded individuals in a dynamic learning environment.

An amazing relationship leads to a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Lori Bryson
your marriage and you

Your Marriage And You

Welcome to Your Marriage and You, where we don't just mend relationships; we fortify them, one connection at a time.

In a world where relationships are often tested by the storms of life, Your Marriage and You emerges as a sanctuary of hope and transformation. Our vision is clear and ambitious: to reach every marriage and relationship, no matter how unique or complex, and to rebuild the very foundations of love, trust, and connection.

Bestseller Books

Our bestseller books offer captivating stories, profound wisdom, and inspiration that will engage your mind, touch your heart, and leave you pondering long after the final page.

Offers invaluable insights to help couples navigate the path to a fulfilling and enduring partnership.

Offers invaluable insights to help couples navigate the path to a fulfilling and enduring partnership.

Offers invaluable insights to help couples navigate the path to a fulfilling and enduring partnership.

Latest Blog Posts

Explore our newest blog post dedicated to nurturing strong and fulfilling marriages and relationships. Gain valuable insights, discover expert tips  and take proactive steps towards a happier, healthier connection with your partner. Dive into the world of successful relationships—read it now and elevate your partnership to new heights!

your marriage and you

Financial Harmony: A Guide to Managing Finances Together

Money matters have a significant impact on relationships, and managing finances together can be both challenging and rewarding. 

your marriage and you

Navigating Love’s Journey: Dating Advice for Different Stages of a Relationship

Love is a journey, and each stage of a relationship brings its unique set of joys, challenges, and discoveries. 

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